Charlestown Missionary Baptist Church
1168 W Old Philadelphia Road
North East, MD 21901
(410) 287-3069
“We believe the local assembly is a group of born again believers united together under the constitution for the spreading of the gospel and the furtherance of God’s kingdom. Jesus Christ is the head of the church with all other officers coming under Christ. We believe the local assembly is self-sufficient, self-supporting, and able to govern itself without interference from other local assemblies, associations, or other outside groups or individuals. We gather together at designated times in one mind and one accord to worship and fellowship one with another in the love of God.”
Charlestown Missionary Baptist Church website
Charlestown Missionary Baptist Church on Facebook

Sunday School . . . .10:00 AM
Worship . . . . . . . . . 11:00 AM
Sunday Evening Service . . . 6:30 PM
Family Ministries . . . . . . . . 7:00 PM
Wednesday Prayer Service . 7:00 PM