Church of The Good Shepherd
810 Aiken Ave
Perryville, MD 21903
(410) 642-6534
The Mission of Good Shepherd Parish, located in western Cecil County, is to live out the Gospel through evangelization, education, and stewardship through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
The Church of the Good Shepherd is comprised of 3 churches: Good Shepherd, Perryville, St. Teresa, Port Deposit, and St. Agnes, Rising Sun, in Maryland.
Church of The Good Shepherd website
Church of The Good Shepherd on Facebook
Mass Times
Saturday: 4:00 PM Good Shepherd
7:00 PM Spanish St. Agnes
Sunday: 8:00 AM St. Teresa
10:00 AM St. Agnes 1
2:00 PM Good Shepherd
Mon-Fri 9:00 AM Good Shepherd
1st Friday: 9:00 AM Good Shepherd
1st Saturday: 12:00 PM For the remainder of 2018, First Saturday Masses will be at St.Patrick Church in Pilottown MD