Wesley Chapel at Elk Neck
Wesley Chapel at Elk Neck website
Wesley Chapel at Elk Neck
Wesley Chapel has been a place of worship on Elk Neck for nearly 187 years. The cornerstone of the chapel building was laid by Rev. William Ryder in 1830 to house the services of a congregation that had already been in existence for 33 years, since 1797. Wesley Chapel & Cemetery is very likely one of the oldest rural chapels still in use in the Delaware and Chesapeake Bay areas.
In the late 1970s this congregation outgrew the chapel building and built an additional larger Worship Center just to the east on Justice Way.
We still lift up and praise God most Sunday mornings at 8:30am at the chapel with beautiful,traditional music and hymns from our specially built Italian pipe organ. We also celebrate Christmas Eve by candlelight annually at 11:00pm. Wesley Chapel is located at 2015 Old Elk Neck Road.